BRAND NEW 5-Day LIVE Masterclass Training! Starts on 30th Of October!

BRAND NEW 5-Day LIVE Masterclass Training! Starts on 30th Of October!

Give Me Just 60-Minutes A Day And Over The Next 5-Days I Am Going To Reveal EVERYTHING About...
How I Make $1,000 - $4,000 Per Day
Using My Incognito Selling System & How You Can QUICKLY Build Your Own In Just A Few Clicks!

(The BEST PART Is You Don’t Need Any Tech Skills, You Don’t Have to Sell Yourself & You Can Get Started  Completely INCOGNITO and Hit Your First 1k WITHOUT Generating ANY Sales At All!)

Join My 5-Day Masterclass Training...

... and I am going to reveal everything on how I make 1-4k per day using my 100% Automated Selling System... and how to build your own with just a few clicks!

 Backed By My 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Hurry up! The price goes up in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Is The 'Incognito Money Masterclass'

Good Choice For Me...?

Yes! This ‘Incognito Money Masterclass’ is especially for you if...

  • ​You've been chasing shiny objects online for a long time and finally want to discover something that works over and over again...
  • You're totally new to all of this and suck at marketing. (Hint: YOU don't “suck”... but you just haven't found the RIGHT information yet... until now!)
  • ​You only have limited time per day and can't afford to spend hours per day sitting behind the laptop and putting all the things together one by one....
  • ​You think this online biz is only for geniuses and regular people have no way to join this once in a life-time opportunity... I'm going to prove your otherwise!
  • You would like to start generating $1,000+ paydays and completely SKIP the beginners stage of earning $10-$20 commissions....

If you nodded or said “yes” to any of the above, then YES, this 
5-Day Incognito Money Masterclass is 100% for you!

Finally! I Am Going To Spill The Beans & Reveal Everything In My

5-Day Incognito Money Masterclass!

From: Erik Cagi

Dear Struggling Marketer,

Are you sick and tired of being left out?

If you want to discover how I've been quietly generating over $45,000 per month without creating any products or even showing my face online...

... then you're at the right place.

Make sure to give this page a good read, I promise you it's going to be worth it.

I remember exactly how it feels like when I started out...

Forced by unfortunate family situation where we've been struggling to pay the monthly bills, until they cut off our electricity completely...

Having to go to school only to return home with no light, just lit by candles...

I was determined to do everything in my power to never live like that in my life, starting at age of 11.

The only solution for me was to go online (after we finally managed to make the payment lol) and do something.

I was extremely happy when I managed to generate my first ever sale online of $21 at the age of 14... but it was a struggle.

I've been trying all the ways to generate extra income online with no luck. So I made a vow to myself,

When I finally find something that generates me income consistently and is easy to replicate, I am going to help as many people as I possibly can, to skip the trial and error
and get straight to what's working by giving them what I am doing myself.

Years went by, I made some extra money here and there but nothing consistent...

Then I was forced to move across the entire Europe after graduating highschool to work in a factory in England, as I had no money left to continue my university education...

Only to return home again with few hundreds in my bank account and work as an 'ad guy' barely making an average salary grinding 10+ hours per day...


Year later, I stumbled upon this thing called 'affiliate marketing' and gave it my best shot...

First few months, as usual I was not getting any results, I had problems with my english language despite living in a native speaking country for few months,

But then, something changed.

Suddenly, I started making way more from this 'side-hustle' than
I was making from my 'ad guy' job and the hope was back...

All the extra hours I had, I put into this and it finally paid off...

I was able to quit my 'ad guy' job and make just enough to live just from the income I generated from affiliate marketing, until another devastating thing happened.

I had to end my long term relationship of over 7 and a half years and that took a toll on me...

It was tough, but I remembered a quote I read one time that said something along these lines:

"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."

So for the next few months, as I had nothing else to do, I decided to fully focus on this 'side-hustle' and amazing things happened...

I started doing it differently and out of nowhere, instead of making 1k to 3k
per month, I started generating 1k to 3k PER DAY and everything changed.

Instead of hoping I can make the rent payment the next month, I made more in a day than my rent was for a few months...

Instead of living the same exact day over and over again, I started traveling the world while my online business was working in background...

I finally discovered what I call the Incognito Selling System.

Incognito Selling System Is The Easiest & Fastest Way To Start Hitting 1K Paydays Without Selling Anything Your Self, Showing Your Face Online OR EVEN Without GENERATING ANY SALES AT ALL!

I hit my first 5 figure month of over $10,000 in profit...

My first $3,000 day...

My First $30,000+ month and a lot of other milestones...

Now, being in a comfortable spot in my life and finally finding something that is easy to replicate for anyone, 

I want to fulfil my vow.

That's the reason I created this brand new, 5-Day masterclass...

Where I am going to reveal everything about this Incognito Selling System and how anyone can create their own even if you have ZERO tech skills, or you don't want to show your face online.

Finally! I Am Going To Spill The Beans & Reveal Everything In My

5-Day Incognito Money Masterclass!

From: Erik Cagi

Dear Struggling Marketer,

Are you sick and tired of being left out?

If you want to discover how I've been quietly generating over $45,000 per month without creating any products or even showing my face online...

... then you're at the right place.

Make sure to give this page a good read, I promise you it's going to be worth it.

I remember exactly how it feels like when I started out...

Forced by unfortunate family situation where we've been struggling to pay the monthly bills, until they cut off our electricity completely...

Having to go to school only to return home with no light, just lit by candles...

I was determined to do everything in my power to never live like that in my life, starting at age of 11.

The only solution for me was to go online (after we finally managed to make the payment lol) and do something.

I was extremely happy when I managed to generate my first ever sale online of $21 at the age of 14... but it was a struggle.

I've been trying all the ways to generate extra income online with no luck. So I made a vow to myself,

When I finally find something that generates me income consistently and is easy to replicate, I am going to help as many people as I possibly can, to skip the trial and error
and get straight to what's working by giving them what I am doing myself.

Years went by, I made some extra money here and there but nothing consistent...

Then I was forced to move across the entire Europe after graduating highschool to work in a factory in England, as I had no money left to continue my university education...

Only to return home again with few hundreds in my bank account and work as an 'ad guy' barely making an average salary grinding 10+ hours per day...


Year later, I stumbled upon this thing called 'affiliate marketing' and gave it my best shot...

First few months, as usual I was not getting any results, I had problems with my english language despite living in a native speaking country for few months,

But then, something changed.

Suddenly, I started making way more from this 'side-hustle' than
I was making from my 'ad guy' job and the hope was back...

All the extra hours I had, I put into this and it finally paid off...

I was able to quit my 'ad guy' job and make just enough to live just from the income I generated from affiliate marketing, until another devastating thing happened.

I had to end my long term relationship of over 7 and a half years and that took a toll on me...

It was tough, but I remembered a quote I read one time that said something along these lines:

"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."

So for the next few months, as I had nothing else to do, I decided to fully focus on this 'side-hustle' and amazing things happened...

I started doing it differently and out of nowhere, instead of making 1k to 3k
per month, I started generating 1k to 3k PER DAY and everything changed.

Instead of hoping I can make the rent payment the next month, I made more in a day than my rent was for a few months...

Instead of living the same exact day over and over again, I started traveling the world while my online business was working in background...

I finally discovered what I call the Incognito Selling System.

Incognito Selling System Is The Easiest & Fastest Way To Start Hitting 1K Paydays Without Selling Anything Your Self, Showing Your Face Online OR EVEN Without GENERATING ANY SALES AT ALL!

I hit my first 5 figure month of over $10,000 in profit...

My first $3,000 day...

My First $30,000+ month and a lot of other milestones...

Now, being in a comfortable spot in my life and finally finding something that is easy to replicate for anyone, 

I want to fulfil my vow.

That's the reason I created this brand new, 5-Day masterclass...

Where I am going to reveal everything about this Incognito Selling System and how anyone can create their own even if you have ZERO tech skills, or you don't want to show your face online.

Join My Brand New, 5-Day

Incognito Money Masterclass!

When you say “yes” and join the masterclass today, I’ll show you, in just 60 minutes a day for 5 days, how to easily (and quickly) build your own Incognito Selling System that I am using myself!

Here’s What You Can Expect From The 5-Day Masterclass:


Secrets To Unlocking $1,000 Days

On day one, we are going to go over the secrets to finally unlock $1,000 paydays for you. There are just a few differences I had to go through to go from earning $300-$1,000 per day to now earning $1,000 to $3,000 per day consistently.

(Most people never see these and they are the exact reason why they are stuck at NOT getting ANY results whatsoever, or always struggling to break through the $1,000 per day mark.)


The Invisible Selling System

On day two, I am going to reveal the Invisible Selling System that is responsible for generating commissions while I sleep or even record the videos for this page. I managed to snag a great shot of this live on the video. 

Not only that, I am going to show you how to create your own even if you are a complete tech newbie.

(Hint: This is the reason the 'laptop lifestyle' is possible and how 99% of marketers earn money without working).


2-Step Infinite Customer Formula

I am SUPER excited about the Day 3 as I am going to show you the Infinite Customer Formula HACK.

This is a 'hack' I found out about recently and have been using ever since to get free visitors, views & customers to my links without any extra effort. 

I promise you, once you see this - you won't be able to hold off and try it right away.


Your First $2,000 With ZERO Sales

Day 4 is going to be exciting as I am going to teach you the exact roadmap to hitting your first $2,000 online without actually generating any sales at all.

It might seem impossible or like an oxymoron, but it's all going to make complete sense. Simply get paid even if you don't generate any sales.

This is by the way the easiest and most 'lazy way' for beginners to start earning commissions...


$10,000 In 45 Days Fast Track

I am currently on a mission to help 10,000 people earn their first $10,000 online

So on the final day I am going to share with you the exact blueprint I would use myself, if I had to start over and get to $10,000 in 45 days or less. Using the Incognito Selling System, you will have a clear path to follow to reach your desired goals.




Listen, me personally, I know that before I get access to anything...

... I'd like to know what I'm buying and that it's backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And because I want to make you to be comfortable with this purchase,

Even when I am giving you unbelievable discount to join the 5-Day Masterclass right now,

I understand you worked for that money and it counts.

So what I decided to do is to take ALL THE RISK from your shoulders and give you a full 30 days to decide whether the information I am going to share in the LIVE MASTERCLASS totally exceeded your expectations or not.

Get your ticket, attend the live masterclass, apply what you learn.

And if you're not blown away by what you are going to learn, then...

Just shoot me an email at and I am going to send you full refund right away. No questions asked. 

However if you could share some tips so I could improve in the future, I would appreciate that.

Appreciated, not required. ZERO RISK on your side.

FREE Bonuses!

That’s right... I am all about OVER-DELIVERING as much value as possible so when you join today you are also going to receive these AMAZING bonuses for FREE!


Access To Private Facebook Community!

When you sign up to 5-Day Incognito Money Masterclass you are going to receive a special access to private Facebook community where you can ask questions & connect with other people who are on the same path as you!


+1,921 FREE Visitors In a Day With Less Than 67 Seconds Of Work!

Traffic is lifeblood of any online business and in this bonus I am going to share with you a quick case study how one of my students from the previous masterclass was able to get over 1,921 free visitors for free, using the Day #3 training, in less than 67 seconds of work.


Effortless $476+ Days With Zero Sales!

In Day #4 I'm going to cover how to easily generate your first 2k online without actually generating any sales whatsoever. In this bonus I am going to share with you a case study how I am able to effortlessly generate $300 days - without selling OR making any sales at all. Yup... ZERO, 0, ŽIADNY, NADA sales.

What Are You Waiting For?

This Is Literally The EASIEST Time For Anyone To Build Their Online Business!
Sign Up Below To Learn How I do It And How You Can Replicate My Own System!

Ready To Build a THRIVING Online Business From Scratch In Just 5 Days?

What You Can Expect From The
'Incognito Money' Masterclass!

Before The Masterclass

  • Overwhelmed with feelings of uncertainty
  • Chasing shiny objects every single day praying something is 'going to work'...
  • Feeling sucks in life and career
  • Having the drive, but don't know where to start...

After The Masterclass

  • Achieve a crystal clear direction for you and your online business
  • Feel confident you are making the right moves
  • Have a step-by-step action plan
  • Gain the drive and motivation to build the business of your dreams!

Here's Everything You Get When You Sign Up For

'The Incognito Money Masterclass' Today!

  • 5 Days Of LIVE Training Inside The Incognito Money Masterclass On How To Build Your Own Incognito Selling System! ($1,995 Value)
  • Complete Behind The Scenes Look On How I Generate $1,000 to $4,000 Paydays Online ($2,497 Value)
  • BONUS #1: Access to our private 'Incognito Money Masterclass' Facebook group, where you can get more advice, make connections, and receive support during the challenge! ($497 Value)
  • BONUS #2: +1,921 FREE Visitors In a Day With Less Than 67 Seconds Of Work! Case Study ($995 Value)
  • BONUS #3: Effortless $476+ Days With Zero Sales! Case Study ($497 Value)

Value: $6,481 

Today's Price:


 Backed By My 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Hurry up! The price goes up in:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


5-Day Virtual Event: 'Incognito Money Masterclass'


October 30th - 3rd November 2023 @ 11 AM PST (60 minutes per masterclass day)


So you can finally turn your life around and have a breakthrough online!

Now's The Time To Get Off The Sidelines And Get In The Game...

Join 'The Incognito Money Masterclass' Today!

This is a live, 5 day video training masterclass that is going to be happening starting October 30th. After the purchase, you are going to receive instant access to secure your spot in a private, invite only Facebook group - where all the information is going to be provided. Remember, all the contents and deliverables are going to be delivered via LIVE training, starting October 30th. This applies for all the deliverables. Bonuses, upsells and OTOs.

© 2023 Erik Cagi -  All Rights Reserved.

We offer 60 Day Refund Policy. Reach out to and allow up to 7 days for a reply. Your refund period is going to be counted from the time you have SENT the email, not from our reply time. We want to make this as stress free as possible. Thank you for understanding!

Full refund details can be found here: Refund Policy
For contact information, contact us here: Contact/Business Imprint

Legal & Disclaimers:
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is
NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

BIG DISCLAIMER: "These earnings are not representative for the average participants. The average participant will earn significantly less or no money at all through this product or service."

This training is for business owners and entrepreneurs. This is education and training. Note that individual results will vary and income success is not guaranteed. Our goal is to give you the online tools and education to help kick start your business, but the effort you put in is what will make or break your success levels. While our business system is proven by the genuine achievements of our members, this does not mean you will get the same results. There are those who will not earn any money at all with our program, because it all depends on your determination, hard work and ability to follow directions. As an entrepreneur, the understanding needs to be in place that you will take full responsibility for your business.

Please note: Although this information has been responsible for generating over multiple 6 figures per month and even 7 figures a month, these are NOT typical results Be responsible, this does not imply or guarantee you will do the same. Success takes hard work, focus, persistence, and ALOT OF HARD WORK. If you can't be bothered to have an open mind to learn and apply this is NOT for you. Results not typical. Just get this information for free to learn. Thanks for stopping by.